English in NDBA

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Friday, February 7 2014

Terms - CO - Conquest of the West & heroes

Here is the document we studied: We choose to go to the moon.

and the second one we just listened to. Black Friday

Friday, January 24 2014

Terms - CO - Consumerism

Here is the document we studied today:

Pepper spraying incident

I also showed you how to find some good documents to train for your exam. Go on Youtube and type some keywords such as consumerism + report. Watch as many as you can till your exam dealing with all the topics you have studied.

Friday, January 10 2014

Terms - CO - Conquest of the West

Here is the document we worked on today. It was entitled 'California and immigration'

You can also train on this document to refresh your memory on "heroes". The title is 'Heroes at different ages' or on consumerism with this one entitled 'the pepper spraying incident'

Friday, September 27 2013

Terms - CO - Profit

This Friday, you worked on a listening comprehension that was a bit satirical. You can listen to it here again and watch the entire video on which it is based on.


Friday, September 20 2013

Terms - CO - Profit

Today, you worked on a video dealing with "Buy Nothing day". You can study the first 1'25 to train for the BAC., and then you watched the entire video to train and learn more. To help you, you had a worksheet to complete. Here is the correction.

Friday, September 13 2013

Terms - CO - Profit

Here is the document you studied today.

I include the script so you can check what you've understood.

Don't forget to train by listening to documents in English as often as possible.